Trademark Registration Submission
Trademark Registration
A brand is any kind of marking that identifies one establishment’s good or service as distinct from those of other establishments. And brand registration is the procedure of granting trademark rights to the applicant for 10 (ten) years.
Trademark registration certificate services:
- National and International Trademark Registration Application
- National and International Trademark Survey
- Follow-up of Trademark Registration Process
- Trademark Follow-up and Renewal Transactions
- Post-Registration Licensing and Transfer Transactions, Address, Title and Type Change
- Well-Known Trademark Application
- Taking and Follow-Up of Legal Actions Against Counterfeit And Imitation Trademarks
- Tracking of Trademark Bulletins and Identifying Similar Applications
- Notifications on Similar Applications Identified Through Tracking
- Rival Company Application Tracking
- National and International Trademark Tracking
- Appeal Procedures against Applications Filed to the TURKISH PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE
- Appeal and counter-opinion procedures against the TURKISH PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE
- Follow-up of Appeal Procedures for Domestic and International Clients